Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Marc's Mouse

Oh my.. how cute are these mouse flats?!?!? And the genius behind this is Mr. Marc Jacobs!! Can't wait to get it!!!! However, price isn't cheap.. It's $355 on

Hey there New Yorkers!

I've just found a functional and fashionable hoodie for ya'll!
It's the subway map of New York on a hoodie!
get it at!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Undies Under Your Feet

how cute are these rugs? haha.. I first thought they were selling boy's undies at! but it turned out that these are rugs! ahhaha.. I usually put rugs in my bathroom, but since these are soo cute, i might put 'em as my welcome mat infront of my room!
get them at for $24!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Harry Potter the Sequel

I'm not talking about another new Harry Potter book being published.
but check out these House of Holland inspired tees with Potter sayings on it...

whoever made this.. is a genius! and may I suggest that you should make the t-shirt longer? so we can wear it like a shirtdress!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Plastic or not plastic?

What is your first impression of these bags? They look exactly like those plastic bags you get in supermarkets right?!?! Yuph you're right! But, they are better! Why? Because they are re-usable! These bags aren't platic, they're nylon!
And you can take them when you shop around anywhere! Not just supermarkets but also when you shop for clothes you don't have to waste another plastic bag!
With a size of 10.5”x21.5", you can fit a whole lot of stuff in that tote!
Each bag is $28 for grabs! Check em out at!

Join the Green Revolution!

more colors above!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Paging Passengers

Check out this clear bag! It's great for those who travel on air a lot! With the new security rules, we have to start using those clear ziplock bags for liquid stuff (which is bad for earth as well...ehem.. not environmental friendly) sooo.. buy this cute clear bag from at $28! You'll be stylish and saving the Earth as well!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Stiched Up

How cute are these chucks? I saw first saw them at's Daily Specials..
They're $70 and they're part of the Product (RED) thing.. So, some of the proceeds go for the RED charity which supports the AIDS research thing in Africa..

Thursday, July 19, 2007

21st July 2007

The 7th month of the year.. The 7th year of the millennium.. which also means the release of the 7th Harry Potter book! I can't wait! There's a special event in Plaza Senayan, Jakarta.. I'm still working on the permission from my mom.. but I hope I can go!
The dress code is "a lil bit of Harry Potter".. I'm not really sure about it, but I think it means we dress normal only with some touch of Harry Potter.. I think I'm just going to go over the top and dress like a Hogwarts student! Except I'll have my look "modernized".. I'm probably going to wear the skirt ALOT shorter with black stockings.. and with a grey cardie.. and I have this Gryffindor scarf I got years ago from a magazine, so I might wear that as well..
I'll post up a picture if I remember to bring my camera.. lolz..
make sure you GET that book !!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

first powder blush

Yes, I'm serious about my title of this post.. This is my first powder blush purchase.. After years of using cream blushes (I own about 6 of them.. and the contents are still far from empty), i finally bought some powder blush so that the color won't wash out too fast during the day... Like usual, I always do my research online and throughout magazines... And for my final decision, I choose MAC blush in Style as recommend by a makeup artist in Allure magazine.. So I went up to the MAC counter and I asked for "Style" and they said it's not stocked here! [ARRGHHH].. Instead of just walking away, I asked the counter-girl to recommend me some good blushes for me.. She recommend 3 colors.. First was a nice pink (think Chanel's fall runway look). But I thought I didn't like looking too fair.. So I asked her for a more brownish, peachy color to warm my skin up (Yes I am a picky customer who sometimes know more than the counter girls..). Then she recommend 2 other colors.. One lighter and one darker.. In the end I choose the darker one!
Check out this link for the color..
It's called "Peaches".. It looks really pale on the picture.. But it's actually much more vibrant that the color shown on the web.. Bottom line, I tried this color on my friend (who has a golden-dark skintone).. and the color is still flattering! great thing is, you can control the amount of color deposited on your cheeks..

Empty Luggage

long time since the last time i blogged! why? because I went to Singapore! I was actually expecting to buy a whole lot of new stuff.. but, I didn't.. Basically, sale items are from the previous season.. Second, the new fall items are not all displayed yet.. -_-''.. i hope i can go there again next month! I'm looking for good classic coats (like trenches but cropped because of the weather here).. I've been buying some nice feminine dresses lately.. And I really hate to look the same as other people in the malls (with leggings, flats, granny cardigan).. I don't think it's bad looking though. It's just that too much people are wearing it.. So my way of pairing those dresses is with a more masculine piece like military jackets (I'm aware they're not in right now.. but who cares), a parka cinched with a skinny belt (or sometimes i wear 2 skinny belts) or a vest...
One item I bought was an coral Armani Exchange minidress (can also be used as a top).. I was planning to buy the nice blue-green jewel tone.. but my size in that color is out of stock!
I was actually looking for grey skinnies.. but i couldn't find a good one.. so i didnt get it!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Faux Pearls... and chains...

Who's up for back-to-school shopping? I AM! ahhah...well.. I don't really do back-to-school shopping.. basically, i just SHOP. Anything good to buy, then I'll buy it as long as it doesn't break my wallet...
One thing I want to buy is a new tote! Sure backpacks are trendy right now, but I'm not into it.. So, I'll stick to cute totes.. ^^.. They're also more practical for my busy schedule! OK, enough about me.. Here's what I got to show you!

Photo courtesy of

This bag from is only $24 !! What a bargain!! I don't think I can get it though.. because I live in Indonesia.... -_-''

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A New Home for my MacBook!

woohoo!! I no longer have to use the worker like laptop bag my mom bought (sorry mom.. but the bag is just "bleh"...) I found this bright pink Roxy laptop case just the other day I went to the Pointbreak store in Plaza Senayan.. I didn't buy right exactly at that time, but I bought it 2 days later! woohooo! However, I must say, the bag is short on little compartments for the adaptor.. Oh well, sometimes cuteness wins over usefulness!

photo by

Shift those Socks!

fashion spread from teen vogue august 07 issue

shift dresses. they seem to be getting trendier lately.. and they are not worn a lot in indonesia yet! soo.. that's great.. but im sure mangga dua will be filling their stands with shift dresses.. day-dresses are already popular here.. and im trying to find something different.. clearly, zara is not a good place to get dresses because everyone wears them.. *not good*.. although, i must admitt that zara is cheap and good!
anyways, shift dresses are looking like to be the new summer dresses in fall.. they are now cut really mini (hem stops at about mid-thing.. just like a mini skirt..).. they seem to be in bright colors! I love bringing back cheery summer colors into fall! it's just cheerful! =) haha.. Leggings seem to be slightly going away (and I'm glad it is. because.. wooo.. TOO MANY people are wearing it here! leggings were NOTHING before runways started to use them more..).. It seems that the trend now is, SOCKS.. yes, it's socks! magazines seem to be featuring models wearing mini dresses with thick shoes (chunky wedges, platforms or boots) with bright or patterned socks! I must say, I'm interested in this trend.. I've been wearing low ankle socks for like 3 years now! The last time I wore "unusual" socks was in grade 7.. I wore these japanese style leg warmers.. where Agnes Monica was wearing them in a soap opera "Ceweku Jutek".. I loved them soo much, but i got bored and switched back to low ankles..
well anyway.. since fall is colder, socks and wedges might not work too good.. but boots are good!.. socks are slightly scrunched just to "peek" a nice bright color on top of the boots.. (check the teenvogue spread image)

So, after I've blabbed all this.. i think you should all wear high socks now! Now you won't be marked as "dork" for wearing high socks! tell them it's in vogue! =)
and buy a bright shift dresses (don't worry, they're timeless..)

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Picture courtesy of

Who doesn't love the thin Motorola RAZR phones? You may not use one, but you wouldn't mind if someone gave it to you wouldn't you? Well.. Here's the good news.. Motorola is releasing the new generation of the RAZR phones.. It's called RAZR 2... 3 Phones are now in this range.. Moto V8, V9m, and the V9... V9 has the same thickness as the V3 phones... but the V8 and V9m are thinner than the V3 phones. However, they have less features..
All of them have 2 MegaPixel cameras (yeah!)... and you can send text message templates from the front screen.. so you don't have to open your open to actually send a message! They all support Mp3 format songs.. And they are equipped with Bluetooth! If internal storage is not enough, then buy a memory card chip to add some more memory!

Check out for more information..

Denim Update

Look at this cute Marc by Marc Jacobs hobo! And it's made out of denim! Clearly, I can always match this bag with my whole wardrobe! I must say, i love jeans and I have a whole closet of them.. So, next time I'm wearing jeans, I don't have to worry of what bag I'll be wearing..
I'll soon start saving for this bag! Price is USD$ 228.00 ,,,

Photo courtesy of Neiman Marcus

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Join Dumbledore's Army!

I was browsing the harry potter web today and I found an online game that's quite fun! You're actually playing againsts real players instead of the computer.. it's like a spell casting game.. check it out!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Miss Marc

image from
Need to say more?
This Miss Marc by Marc Jacobs little pouch is just sooo cute!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Harry Potter !!

Here's the trailer for the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix trailer. I must say that I've been anticipating this movie for ages! After all, I AM a Harry Potter fan !.. It's the book series I read for goodness sake!
The movie is out on July 13 2007 !
Sooo, look out for it !

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Scent Screening

I recently bought a new fragrance for summer. And I choose Chanel Change Eau Fraiche... I actually loved it and I'm wearing it everyday (seriously everyday,, I'm not even altering it with my other perfumes..).. It smells delightful and fresh! Very light, fruity smell which great for summer.. and it lasts long!!!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Birthday pressie

I was browsing the web for worthed birthday present of mine.. and here's what I came across to..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
this red chanel bag that Gemma Ward is wearing...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
and these chanel grey boots!!!

most are like chanel stuff.. but.. again, chanel is the master of fashion! all of their items are gorgeous! If I could ask anything from someone..then I'd I want a "subscription" of the chanel wardrobe.. lolz..

PS*If you know any of the prices these items are.. please tell me by commenting on my post!


My birthday is coming up in 13 days... Like usual, parents and grandparents will be asking what I want this time (I know it sounds spoiled.. but.. different families just have different policies..) I don't get regular presents (like for getting good grades, or christmas, etc).. I guess that all the presents I deserve (YES, I deserve presents after getting straight-A grades, and a score of 139/150 ABRSM Piano Exam !!) is all packed into my birthday...

So, here's my real question.. What do I want this year??? I just got a nice black MacBook for last year's late birthday present.. and I don't want to upgrade to MacBook Pro because I'm just pure lazy to move all my files into the new HD..
A new phone? Don't think so.. Even though my Nokia N73 has some minor errors, I can still live with it. plus I like the fact that the keypad are quiet so I can text without "clicker" sounds.. and there aren't really new decent phones to purchase at this time..
When technology gadgetry used to be the answer for my birthday presents, it has changed. Gorgeous collections from the fashion world has sorta taken over.. Right now, I'm more interested to receive a Chanel item (which I've always wanted but could never afford)rather than a phone... I have no idea what's happening to me.. But, I know that fashion has started to play a bigger impact of my life including outdoing my music interests.. What lies ahead is still unknown to me...

New Content

holy.. i've not blogged for like a super duper long time.. and im going to start blogging on a daily basis from now on (if I can commit to this..).. well.. from now on, I won't be talking about pure fashion stuff.. because, if I keep talking about that then I'll be blogging even less... I figured I should blog about my interesting life aw well.. but, to keep it still "fashion-ish", I'll be putting a clothing item of the day or something like that at the end of my "about-my-life" posts..

Sunday, February 11, 2007

spring trends!

you know in jakarta, wearing winter clothes aren't nice to wear in d hot and humid weather here! so i'm excited for the spring fashion trends coming soon! VERY excited in fact. I've seen great looks from the runways of Dries Van Noten, Marc Jacobs, Balenciaga and much much more!
Trends I've noticed are..
*futuristic* from Balenciaga, Stella McCartney, and Lanvin
-some can be over the top but you can make these runway futurism and make it into your everyday wardrobe with some creativity.
-key pieces include: metallic leggings, slick pants, and more more more silver and gold!

*sporty* from DKNY, Marni, and Y-3
track jackets are back! and they're actually chic instead of that laid-back, classic look..
-Dries Van Noten created my most item for this season.. a shoes that is a mix of wedge-tie on sneakers.. [i cant find a picture at the moment. but will update it soon after i find one]
-Vera Wang and Michael Kors extended the sport trend to ballet. they had ballet flats with wrapping ribbons around the ankles (just like a ballet point shoe)
-DKNY had a baseball shirt with DKNY written across the chest [just like a real baseball uniform!]

Photo courtesy of Marcio Madeira
*trapeze dresses* from Gucci, Ferragamo, and Fendi
-they are almost everywhere on the runway! and they are brought up in different styles and colors!
-I noticed each designer had their own "statement" of the trapeze dress.. DKNY continued with their sporty look by pairing a frilly magenta trapeze dress with a cap.

photo courtesy of Marcio Madeira
While Fendi had 2 trends in one! Their take on the trapeze dress was combined with the futuristic look by having the dress in silver!

photo courtesy of Marcio Madiera

*florals* from YSL, Louis Vuitton, and Alexander McQueen
yes, I know spring = blooming flowers. but hey.. in fashion, "yearly" trends are always brought up in a fresh new way everytime! This time, flowers have reached to the heads of models.

above, Alexander McQueen.... Above Right, Marc Jacobs.... Below Left, Louis Vuitton..
All "floral trend" photos courtesy of Marcio Madeira

okayy.. im done at the moment.. I'll be updating more when I read my magazines all the way to the end..